Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal told the Supreme Court on Thursday that the CBI did not arrest him for nearly two years in the alleged excise policy scam and an ‘insurance arrest’ was made on June 26 after he got bail in the “harsher” money laundering case filed by the ED. He also argued that every possible co-accused in the case — Manish Sisodia, K Kavitha, Buchi Babu — has been released but not the Delhi Chief Minister.
Senior advocate Abhishek Singhvi, appearing for the chief minister, told a bench of Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan that no notice was served to Kejriwal by the CBI before arrest and an ex-parte arrest order passed by the trial court. The top court had on August 23 allowed the CBI to file its counter affidavit in the matter and gave two days to Kejriwal to file a rejoinder.
- SC, while granting interim bail to Kejriwal, had said CM is not threat to society
- Arvind Kejriwal is a constitutional functionary, not a flight risk
- No notice was served to Arvind Kejriwal by CBI before arrest, ex-parte arrest order passed by trial court.
- CBI did not arrest Arvind Kejriwal for nearly 2 years, ‘insurance arrest’ made after Delhi CM got bail in ED case
- Every possible co-accused in the case has been released on bail, including Sisodia, Kavitha