Multiple Hindu organisations, BJP workers and residents on Thursday protested against the alleged illegal construction of the Sinjauli mosque in Himachal Pradesh’s Shimla. As per reports, the matter is related to a mosque built right next to the market in Sanjauli with its two floors being illegal. Protestors raised slogans and held the tricolour in their hands, against the illegal construction. After the massive protests, large police force was deployed in the area.
Protestors claimed that only two-and-a-half-storey building construction is permitted in the state while the mosque is four-storey. Meanwhile, CM Sukkhu said that the law will take its course adding that no one needs to take the law int heir hand.
Congress minister raises concerns over immigrants
Meanwhile, Himachal Pradesh government minister Aniruddh Singh alleged that the Hindus and Muslims coexisted in Himachal Pradesh but the recent influx has created an adverse situation that needs to be investigated. He said, “There is no difference between Hindus and Muslims among those coming from other states. The real concern is that we must verify those coming to Himachal Pradesh to prevent any security risks,” Singh explained.
Singh also noted the arrival of individuals from other countries and suggested the need for a thorough investigation into the background of these newcomers. He called for vigilance in ensuring the safety and security of the region. “The Congress government in Himachal Pradesh focuses on development and ensures that every action is lawful. This isn’t an issue of the temple or mosque but rather of legal and illegal constructions,” said Singh.
Minister Vikramaditya raises illegal immigrants issue
Moreover, Himachal Pradesh minister Vikramaditya Singh also reacted to the controversy and said that if the mosque is ‘illegal’ then action would be taken. Vikramaditya Singh also raised the issue of immigrants and called it a “matter of concern for the people of Himachal Pradesh.”
Notably, the fate of the alleged illegal mosque will be decided in the Municipal Commissioner’s court. The case has been scheduled to be heard on September 7. The court will decide whether the mosque should be demolished or not.
Vikramaditya said, “For a long time, the issue of building a mosque in Sanjauli has been gaining momentum. The govt is taking action as far as structural illegality is concerned. Since this matter is under Shimla Municipal Corporation Commissioner, it is under consideration and has been pending there for a long time. If it is illegal, then action will be taken against it and immigrants are a matter of concern for the people of Himachal Pradesh.
He further added, “Some communities have come to Himachal from outside, especially from Uttar Pradesh and some law and order problems have also been created here but the police are taking action in that. CM has given strict orders to the DGP and SP. The police are fully alert to prevent any kind of untoward activity and to ensure that the atmosphere does not deteriorate.”
(With ANI Inputs)
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